
To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your legal issues, contact the Law Office of Chris Ring online or call 606.784.2428. Fax - 606.784.1615

Office Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hour and weekend appointments are available upon request.  For personal injury our operator will be available after hours.


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Debt Collection -

  • Are you having trouble collecting debts from your customers?
  • Are you frustrated to the point that you would rather right off the debt instead of further attempting to collect?

We provide a Debt Collection service. Our fee only includes court costs and 1/3 of any debt collected. Court costs generally run from about $50 to $85, depending on the amount of the debt.

Contact the Law Office of Chris Ring to schedule a free Debt Collection consultation today. Call our Morehead law office today at 606.784.2428